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Qing Yan Gu Huan (Part 1) -2022 Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Public Welfare Class Works at Yueshanlou Academy Held in Kunshan
2022.09.13 Reading:61 Source: Minxue Art

▲ On site of the opening ceremony

On the day after the Mid Autumn Festival, the "Qing Yan Gu Huan -2022 Yishanlou Academy Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Public Welfare Class Exhibition" opened at Yishanlou Academy in Kunshan City.

▲ On site of the opening ceremony

Since its establishment in 2016, Yishanlou Academy has continuously carried out cultural and artistic public welfare exhibitions, lectures, training, and exchanges. This exhibition features a total of 60 works by 30 students from the fourth calligraphy public welfare class and the second seal carving public welfare class.

▲ Speech by Gu Gong, Academic Member of the China Calligraphy Association

Speech by Lu Yuhua, Executive Editor in Chief of Kunlun Hall

▲ Student representative Xiao Qingliang introduces learning experiences

Speech by Xu Shiping, Vice Chairman of Suzhou Calligraphy Association

▲ Speech by Lu Jiaheng, Deputy Director of the Art Index Committee of Suzhou Calligraphy Association

▲ Feng Huiqing, Chairman of Kunshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, announces the opening of the exhibition

Feng Huiqing, chairman of Kunshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Lu Jiaheng, deputy director of the Art Guide Committee of Suzhou Calligrapher's Association and a famous calligrapher, Xu Shiping, vice chairman of Suzhou Calligrapher's Association and associate professor of Suzhou University, Wang Jinchun, vice chairman of Kunshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the Calligrapher's Association, Wang Qing, former deputy director of Kunshan Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, and vice chairman of Kunshan Calligrapher's Association, Ye Feng, head of the Culture and Art Section of Kunshan Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Tourism, Zhang Bin, vice chairman and secretary-general of Kunshan Calligrapher's Association, Kong Weizhi, member of Chang Daohuai and others attended the opening ceremony.

Gu Gong, Academic Member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, Vice President and Secretary General of the Jiangsu Seal Cutting Research Association, and Supervisor of the Calligraphy Public Welfare Class, as well as Lu Yuhua, Executive Editor in Chief of "Kunlun Tang", a doctoral student in art at the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, and Supervisor of the Seal Cutting Public Welfare Class, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony, elaborating on the cultural sentiment and teaching ideas of holding the public welfare class. Xiao Qingliang, teacher of Kunshan Yuyuan laboratory school, introduced learning experience on behalf of students. In their speeches, Lu Jiaheng, Deputy Director of the Art Guidance Committee of the Suzhou Calligraphy Association, and Xu Shiping, Vice Chairman of the Suzhou Calligraphy Association, praised the long-term public welfare and high-quality art activities held by the Yishanlou Academy, and believed that the exhibition's works had a high standard. Many students had already joined the Provincial Calligraphy Association, reflecting the continuous growth of the Kunshan calligraphy team. Feng Huiqing, Chairman of the Kunshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, announced the opening of the exhibition. During the exhibition, the participating calligraphers commented on the students' works separately, and the students also seized this opportunity to seek advice and exchange ideas. The atmosphere on site was very enthusiastic.

The exhibition will last for one month, welcome to visit.

Selected Exhibition Works

▲ Works of Si Yanling

▲ Works by Xia Jun

▲ Works of Zhuang Yuanchao

▲ Lin Yuqing's Works

▲ Zhao Jianhua's Works

▲ Works by Xu Yi

▲ Xiao Qingliang's Works

▲ Zhu Kejun's Works

▲ Zhao Yang's works

▲ Works by Feng Xueju

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  • Minxue Art 丨Qing Yan Gu Huan (Part 2) - The 2022 Art Exhibition of the Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Public Welfare Class of Yushanlou Academy was held in Kunshan
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