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Appreciation and Reading of Gu Gong's Calligraphy
2021.01.31 Reading:77 Source: Minxue Art

Gu Gong's writing lines are plump and thick, vigorous and elegant, and the ink color is vivid. There is a flexible transition and transformation between wrapping and spreading, and he can control the rhythm of his writing with ease. The flow contains clumsiness, and he is handsome and handsome. He does not just show off his talent, but the strokes are full of touching charm. Some strokes that violate the appreciation habit and the horizon of expectation, as well as all kinds of meaningful spaces surrounding them, have produced a novel defamiliarization effect. The horizontal and vertical connections complement each other, coordinating seamlessly, and creating and transforming risks, conflicts, and coordination are constantly carried out, unified in the overall organizational arrangement. These require excellent creative abilities, as well as support from various aspects such as bravery, techniques, and literacy, demonstrating Gu Gong's extraordinary talent.

Under the unified style, Gu Gong has demonstrated outstanding performance in this regard, whether incorporating elements such as regular script, cursive script, zhang cao, or even stele style, without disrupting the overall atmosphere of the unified style, resulting in a more thought-provoking effect.

Under the unified style, Gu Gong has demonstrated outstanding performance in this regard, whether incorporating elements such as regular script, cursive script, zhang cao, or even stele style, without disrupting the overall atmosphere of the unified style, resulting in a more thought-provoking effect.

Gu Gong, born in June 1973 in Huai'an, Jiangsu. Doctorate in Literature (Calligraphy) from Southeast University and Postdoctoral Fellow in Art from Tsinghua University. At present, he is the curator of Shanghai Han Tianheng Art Museum, a member of cultural museum research, a first-class artist, a member of Xiling Seal Engraver Society, a member of China calligrapher's Association, the deputy secretary-general of the Academic Committee of Shanghai calligrapher's Association, a member of the National Calligrapher's Art Committee in the 1970s, the vice-chairman of the Seal Engraving Art Branch of (National) Education Calligraphy Association, and the vice-chairman of Jiangsu Seal Engraving Research Association.

Calligraphy and seal cutting works participated in the 4th National New Artists Exhibition, the 7th and 8th Chinese Youth Exhibition, the 4th, 6th and 7th Seal Cutting Exhibition, the 12th National Exhibition (specially invited), the 28th, 29th and 30th Chinese Japanese Self made Poetry and Calligraphy Exhibition, and won the gold medal of calligraphy in the "World Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" (sponsored by the Art Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese National Academy of Arts, the Chinese Calligrapher's Association and the Chinese Artist's Association). The work has won the theoretical award of the 5th Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award (organized by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Calligraphy Association), and the excellent paper of the 10th National Calligraphy Symposium (organized by the China Calligraphy Association). Published various works.

Appreciation of Gu Gong's Calligraphy Works

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