Kunshan Minxue Art Training Center - Service Hotline:18013561862 / Teacher Xu

Yi Xu

Release time:2022.12.22 Popularity:62 Source:Minxue Art

          Yi Xu, senior teacher majoring in Chinese and calligraphy retired form Kunshan Experimental Primary School. During her tenure, students in her class won the special prize in handwriting competition organized by the Education Bureau of Suzhou and Kunshan many times. Her outstanding works and remarkable achievements as a teacher good at both Chinese teaching and calligraphy education was awarded by the government as the Advanced Individual of calligraphy education in Jiangsu Province and the Outstanding Educator in Kunshan City. 

        Her brush calligraphy was exhibited in the 12th New Calligraphic Exhibition of Jiangsu Province, and she obtained the membership qualification of Provincial Calligraphic Association in the meantime. She won the first prize of Calligraphy Competition among Suzhou Teachers and the award of Excellent works of Suzhou Painting and Calligraphy Competition, which was the highest award in this competition. Her pencil calligraphy won the special prize of the third Suzhou "Gravitation Bobo Cup" pencil calligraphy Competition, the first prize of the pencil group of Suzhou Calligraphy Competition, and the special prize of the third "Tinglin Cup" Kunshan Primary and secondary School Teachers' pencil Calligraphy Competition. In 2019, her calligraphy teaching plan won the second prize of Suzhou Education Society. 

          She is now a member of Chinese Calligraphy Association, Suzhou Calligraphers Association, and a registered calligraphy teacher of Chinese pencil Calligraphy Association. Minxue Art Training center was established by her and this center was awarded the bronze medal as Suzhou Calligraphy Education Studio.