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The Ministry of Education has officially established the Calligraphy Education Guidance Committee! Full coverage by the end of 2022!
2021.09.26 Reading:64 Source: Minxue Art

The official website of the Ministry of Education recently issued an important notice and decided to establish

Three education guidance committees including the Chinese Calligraphy Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Further inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture

Further inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture

Enrich and expand campus culture

Promote Chinese calligraphy, martial arts

Traditional Chinese Opera Enters Campus and Classroom

Fully leverage experts' understanding of Chinese calligraphy

Education of martial arts and traditional Chinese opera

Research, consultation, evaluation, and guidance roles

After research, it has been decided to establish

Chinese Calligraphy Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Chinese Martial Arts Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Chinese Opera Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Further inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture

Enrich and expand campus culture

Promote Chinese calligraphy, martial arts

Traditional Chinese Opera Enters Campus and Classroom

Fully leverage experts' understanding of Chinese calligraphy

Education of martial arts and traditional Chinese opera

Research, consultation, evaluation, and guidance roles

After research, it has been decided to establish

Chinese Calligraphy Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Chinese Martial Arts Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Chinese Opera Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Requirements of the Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving the Aesthetic Education Work in Schools in the New Era

Effectively strengthening Chinese calligraphy,

Education of martial arts and traditional Chinese opera

Deepen Chinese calligraphy, martial arts,

Reform of Traditional Chinese Opera Education

Further inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture

Enrich and expand campus culture

Promoting Chinese calligraphy, martial arts, and traditional Chinese opera to enter the campus and classroom

Fully leverage experts' understanding of Chinese calligraphy,

Education of martial arts and traditional Chinese opera

The role of research, consultation, evaluation, and guidance has been studied and determined to be established

Chinese Calligraphy Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

Chinese Martial Arts Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

The Chinese Opera Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education

01 Overall Objectives and Content of Calligraphy Education

1. Learn and master the basic techniques of writing Chinese characters with hard and brush strokes, improve writing ability, and develop good writing habits.

2. Experience the charm of Chinese characters and calligraphy, cultivate character, enhance aesthetic ability and cultural taste.

3. Stimulate passion for Chinese characters and learning calligraphy, cherish excellent traditional Chinese culture, and enhance cultural confidence and patriotism.

02 Objectives and Content of Hard Pen Learning

1. Master the essentials of writing, write in the correct posture, be calm and focused. Learn the correct method of writing with a pen, gradually experience the feeling of starting, running, and ending with a pen, gradually feel the changes in strength and speed in hard pen writing, and gradually appreciate the characteristics of pencil and pen writing. Develop the habit of 'writing while practicing'. Know how to cherish stationery.

2. In the lower grades of primary school, students learn to use pencils to write regular script, master the basic strokes of Chinese characters, commonly used radical radicals, and basic stroke order rules; I will use character practice to grasp the strokes and spacing structure of characters, strive for standardization, correctness, and neatness in writing, and initially experience the beauty of Chinese characters' form. Starting from the middle grade of primary school, I started learning to use pens and was able to proficiently write regular script with them, achieving flatness and symmetry, striving for aesthetics, and gradually improving my writing speed.

In the upper grades of elementary school, when using horizontal grids for writing exercises, strive to have neat and beautiful lines with a certain speed; Interested students can try using a hard pen to learn to write standardized and commonly used regular script. In junior high school, learn to write standardized and commonly used Xingkai characters. In high school, one can learn to write running script with a hard pen, striving for aesthetics.

03 Objectives and content of brush learning

Primary school grades 3-4

1. Master the essentials of writing with a brush and the correct writing posture, understand the common knowledge of commonly used writing tools such as pens, ink, paper, and inkstone, and learn to use and care for them correctly. Pay attention to maintaining a clean writing environment.

2. Learn to copy regular script calligraphy with a brush and master the basic methods of copying. Learn the basic writing techniques of regular script strokes, and have a preliminary grasp of the basic methods of starting, running, and ending strokes. Pay attention to using character practice to grasp the strokes and spacing structure of characters.

3. Start to experience classic calligraphy inscriptions in regular script and gain a preliminary emotional understanding. Try practicing word gathering.

Primary school grades 5-6

1. Continue to write regular script with a brush. Proficient in mastering the method of using a brush to move the brush, and able to experience changes in pressure, force, rhythm, etc. With the help of character practice, one can better grasp the positional relationship between strokes and components, gradually achieving standardized strokes, symmetrical structure, and neat and beautiful appearance. Maintain correct writing posture and good writing habits.

2. Attempt to copy classic inscriptions in regular script, experience their writing characteristics, and gradually improve the ability to copy. In copying or other writing activities, cultivate the habit of using your brain first and then using your hands.

3. Learn to appreciate calligraphy works. Understand common calligraphy styles such as banners, doufang, couplets, etc. Pay attention to the application of calligraphy in social life. By appreciating classic stele inscriptions, one can gain a preliminary understanding of the five types of fonts: seal script, clerical script, cursive script, regular script, and line script, and gain an understanding of the general evolution process of fonts. Additionally, one can gain a preliminary understanding of the beauty of different fonts.

4. Have a preliminary awareness of calligraphy application and apply one's writing skills in learning and daily life.

Junior high school stage

1. Continue to use a brush to copy classic inscriptions in regular script, striving for accuracy. Interested students can try learning other fonts such as official script and running script to learn about seal cutting knowledge.

2. Understand some of the most representative calligraphers and works. Learn to appreciate calligraphy works from aspects such as strokes, structure, composition, and connotation, and initially experience the beauty of calligraphy. Try to exchange and appreciate experiences with others.

3. Willing to actively apply one's writing skills in class, school, community activities, and family life.

High school stage

1. Consolidate and improve the calligraphy learning achievements during the compulsory education stage, and continue to copy classic steles with a brush.

2. By combining the study of Chinese, history, art, and other related disciplines, we can understand the rich connotations and cultural values of Chinese calligraphy, and enhance our cultural cultivation.

3. You can deepen your learning and develop your expertise through calligraphy elective courses; You can try creating calligraphy works.

So far

Nine provinces have started the reform of the "calligraphy middle school entrance examination" with scores ranging from 10 to 30, and policies are frequently implemented

Is it urgent to take the "Art Education Middle School Entrance Examination"? Have you been flustered since you haven't studied calligraphy yet?

Previously, the "Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Education Evaluation in the New Era" issued by the two national offices stated that this situation will change in the future, as the plan clearly states:

Incorporate primary and secondary school students' learning of art courses such as music, art, calligraphy, and their participation in art practice activities organized by the school into their academic requirements; Exploring the inclusion of art subjects in the pilot reform of the middle school entrance examination.

The Opinion points out that, like sports, the aesthetic education middle school entrance examination should be promoted as soon as possible on the basis of pilot projects.

Wang Dengfeng introduced that four provinces in China, including Jiangsu, Hunan, Yunnan, and Henan, have fully launched the aesthetic education middle school entrance examination. At the same time, five provinces and 12 cities in Shandong, Sichuan, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Jilin have started scoring aesthetic education in the middle school entrance examination, with scores ranging from 10 to 40 points. Yunnan Province will increase to 40 points starting from this year.

1、 Definition of the Aesthetic Education Middle School Entrance Examination:& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;  The aesthetic education middle school entrance examination is a new sports name for the middle school entrance examination. Incorporate primary and secondary school students' learning of art courses such as music, art, calligraphy, and their participation in art practice activities organized by the school into their academic requirements, and explore the inclusion of art subjects in the scope of elementary and high school academic proficiency exams. Comprehensively implement the evaluation of the artistic quality of primary and secondary school students, and incorporate the evaluation results into the comprehensive quality evaluation of junior and high school students. Exploring the inclusion of art subjects in the pilot reform of the middle school entrance examination, including scoring subjects for enrollment and admission in high school exams, determining exam content based on curriculum standards, and utilizing modern technological means to promote objective and fair evaluation.

2、 Content of the Aesthetic Education Middle School Entrance Examination& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Music, art, calligraphy and other related content will be graded through exams. Stage exams will be based on the content of semester textbooks, while final exams will be based on the content learned in grades 7-9 textbooks, with a scoring ratio of 50% of the total score& nbsp;

3、 The Influence of Adding Aesthetic Education to the Middle School Entrance Examination on Students' Middle School Entrance Examination Results

(1) The physical education score for the middle school entrance examination should be increased year by year, and the physical education score for the middle school entrance examination in schools should be increased year by year, reaching a level where the same score is obtained in addition to the same number of words.

(2) The Ministry of Education has established an expert group to conduct a systematic review of the physical education middle school entrance examination work across the country, while also increasing the promotion of Yunnan Province's experience. The physical education middle school entrance examination in Yunnan Province is divided into three years, and the results of the three years are accumulated. This is also required in the reform documents of the education evaluation system, and process evaluation should be added. At present, four provinces in Jiangsu, Hunan, Yunnan, and Henan have fully launched the aesthetic education middle school entrance examination nationwide. At the same time, five provinces and 12 cities in Shandong, Sichuan, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Jilin have started scoring aesthetic education in the middle school entrance examination, with scores ranging from 10 to 40 points. Yunnan Province will increase to 40 points starting from this year.

3、 Implementation time of the middle school entrance examination for aesthetic education

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;  In 2022, all provinces will fully implement the middle school entrance examination for aesthetic education.

4、 The Benefits of the Physical Education Middle School Entrance Examination

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;  The inclusion of aesthetic education in the middle school entrance examination will shift the school's focus from neglecting art and music, and make aesthetic education an equally important subject as mathematics, language, and English. If we can achieve students' aesthetic taste and improve their aesthetic values, it is also a good thing. As long as you are teaching exam subjects, it will be very tiring, especially for the middle school entrance exam subjects. The transition from a minor subject to a major subject in art and music will inevitably increase the number of class hours, and teachers will inevitably shift from being more relaxed to being more tired.

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